About Us
Sri Yajnavalkya Sabha is in existence from the year 1930 in the name of Sri Shukla Yajurveda Sabha at Chennai. It became a registered Society in the name of Sri Yajnavalkya Sabha in 1911. The Sabha has presently has its building at Old Pallavaram and has constructed a unique shrine housing the Spiritual Guru, the sage Yajnavalkya with his spouses Katyayani and Maitreyi, Goddess Gayatri and Lord Surya. Poojas and Homams are performed regularly here. This Sabha is brimming with lot of Spiritual activities.
To Sabha
Financial Contributions may be sent to the Regd Office by Cash/Cheque/DD drawn in favour of Sri Yagnavalkyasabha payable at Chennai (or) electronically transferred to SB Account of the Sabha in Indian Rupees, stating the purpose.