1. Brahmashri Parasurama Ganapatigal

Sri Parasurama Ganapatigal, the doyen of Sri Shukla Yajur Veda is being awarded the title of Shukla Yajur Veda Samrat. This is only a small token of recognition of his services by our community as he has received very many awards. He was born in the year 1914 in the village, lnjikollai as the son of Smt Visalakshi and P. Venkataram lyer and was fortunate to be trained in Krama patam, Ganantham, Satha Patha Brahmanam of Shukle Yajur Veda under the illustrious Kanva Kulapathi Sri Chidambara Ganapatigal. Later he got training in Tarka, Upanisad and Bashyam under other experts.
He has carried out several Samhita Homams, Jata and Gana Parayanam in different places and has been doing untiring service to the spread of our Veda by compiling various Vedic texts, the important contribution being Satapata Brahmanam, which was published by Sri Pimplapure of Nagpur and later in English by lGNCA. As a gift to posterity, he has also recorded the Shukla Yajur Veda Samhita, Upanisads and other slokas, which have been released as audio CDs.

2.Brahmashri Venkatesa Ganapatigal

Sri Venkatesa Ganapatigal was born in the year 1928 at Thiruthuraipoondi as the son of Sri Narayanawamy and Smt Subbulakshmi ammal. He was trained in Kramantham at Vaiga Nallore Smt Saraswathi Ammal Patashala, Kulithalai and Ghanantham under Sedanipuram Sri Gopala Ganapatigal. He had been rendering great service to the Shukla Yajur Veda community at large for more than 60 years. His services are being recognized by awarding him the title of Shukla Yajur Veda Ratnam.

3. Brahmashri Balasubramania Ganapatigal

Sri Balasubramania Ganapatigal hails from an illustrious family of Vedic Scholars. He was born in the year 1939 as the son of Sri Gopala Ganapatigal of Sedanipuram who had the title of "Amatya" (Minister) of Shukla Yajur Veda. Sri Balasubramania Ganapatigal has many scholastic achievements like Kramantham, Ghanantham, Smartham, Vedanta Siromani, Veda Bashyam etc. His career has been studded with numerous prizes and cash awards, notable amongst them being Sri. K.S. Ramaswamy Gold Medal in 1959. He had been teaching Sanskrit and Upanishads and other Veda patams and has been the Pariksha Adhikari for various Sanskrit exams. He was president of Nagaswarawali, an organisation for promoting Carnatic music and an active member of the Vedic Sangeetha Sabha of Chennai. His services are being recognized by awarding him the title of Shuka Yajur Veda Ratnam.