17. Smt Mala Sundar

We are glad to recognize the devoted and sincere services of Smt Mala Sundar of Pallavaram who has been very regular in looking after the management of provisions for the various functions held in the Sabha and helping the Sabha in various activities. She has been a lady member of our Executive Committee. We are happy to honour her services and the services of her family by giving her the title Yajnavalkya Seva Mani.

18. Smt Gita Ramasamy

We are glad to recognize the devoted and sincere services of Smt Gita Ramasamy, who took voluntary retirement from the Reserve Bank of India and devoted her life to serving the community. As part of the Sai Organisation of Pallavararn she has been very regular in carrying out Sahasranama Parayanam and other poojas without break. We are happy to honour her services by giving her the title Yajnavalkya Seva Mani.

19. Smt V. Nagalakshmi

We are glad to recognize the devoted and sincere services of Smt V. Nagalakshmi of Pallavaram who has been very regular in carrying out the many functions oi Friday Vilakku pooja in Aadi and Thai months in addition to all other functions like Panguni Utthiram etc. We are happy to honour her services by giving her the title Yajnavalkya Seva Mani.

20. Sri Sethanipuram V.Baskaran

Born in 1953 at Sethanipuram, near Kumbakonam, Sri V. Baskaran halls from an illustrious family. After completing PUC, he joined Govt service and took voluntary retirement to devote his life to music. He was initiated in Sri Vidhya Upasana by Sri Purananada Nathar of Guhananda Mandali. As a B-Grade Vidwan of All India Radio, his expertise in Hari Katha and Bhajans has earned him many titles like Panchajanyam in 1986, and Kavisarvabhoum. Kavitha Rathnam and Bajana Rathnakaram. He is an acknowledged Asthana Vidwan oi Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. He is being awarded the title oi Yajnavalkya Kalamani.