- To Maintain Sri Yajnavalkya shrine with daily Pooja and periodical rituals.
- The aim of this Sabha is to encourage studies and research in Vedas with a special emphasis on the Shuklayajurveda, its Upanishads and other ancient scriptures.
- To inculcate devotion towards the Guru Sage Yajnavalkya and to propagate his philosophy and his works through out the world.
- To Celebrate Yagnavalkyajayanthi and similar functions every year.
- To establish a Shukla Yajurvedapathasala where the Vidyarthis will be provided with modern education.
- To honour with titles the deserving Vedic Pandits and Scholars.
- To arrange Upanyasams, Lectures, Symposiums, Seminars etc through Yajnavalkya Research Centre.
- To organize and promote cultural activities such as dance, music, drama etc.
- To Publish books souvenirs, and to release videos etc to promote the ideals of Sri Yajnavalkya.
- To build up old age homes and Orphanages.
- To Provide facilities for the performance of Shraaddha for those who are unable to perform at home.
- To develop moral values in Younger generation.
- To conduct competitions in the religious and value based subjects for school and college students.
- To award and reward the special achievers in schools and colleges and in other fields belonging to Shukla Yajurveda.
- To help the poor and needy family belonging to Shuklayajurveda.
- To arrange for the free upanayana for the children of poor families.
- To do Annadaana as part of Pooja activities.
- To help the simple budget marriages, Upanayana, Shashtiyabdapoorthi etc., by letting out the Sabha premises at a concessional charge.